I Instantly Turned My Neuropathy Pain “OFF” With These Amazing Space-Age Socks!


Without pain, I’m “Fun Grandma” Again.

Did you know there is a breakthrough sock that has the approval of both podiatrists and thousands of foot pain sufferers?

This is great news for people with foot pain of all kinds: Plantar Fasciitis, Arch Pain, Toe Pain, Heel Pain, Neuropathy Pain, and even Swollen Feet.

Let me tell you my story.

For my granddaughter Nikki, I’m the “fun” grandma.

When we go to the park, I get right on the swings and slides with her. When we go to the fair, I’m right there on the roller coaster. And I danced at her 6th birthday, which made her scream with delight.

I loved being the “fun” grandma. But it almost ended last year.

My Foot Pain Almost Ruined Me

I’ve had foot pain ever since I’ve turned 50. It hurts on the side of my foot, and sometimes on my heel and arch.

Most days it was manageable, but it started getting worse and worse. It hurt most in the morning, but lately it started hurting all day. The left foot hurt the most, but the right had some pain too.

A Close Call

One day last year I was home and walking down the stairs when I felt a pain in my left arch that felt like I stepped on a nail!

Down I tumbled. Four stairs in all. Oh did that hurt.

My husband immediately took me to the emergency room. They took x-rays and said I had some bumps and bruises, but luckily no damage.

But they said I had to start taking precautions, that a fall down the stairs could change my life forever. One doctor even suggested a stairlift.

A stairlift? For ME? Fun Grandma? OMG…

No, I wasn’t getting a stairlift, but I HAD to get to the bottom of my foot pain, so I made an appointment with a Podiatrist.

The Podiatrist and His “Space Age Socks”

The podiatrist gave me a very thorough exam, and also looked at the xrays the hospital took. He told me there was no “obvious” cause as far as he could see. He said I could get an MRI, but he also told me that the true cause of my type of pain is sometimes never found.

“Older feet tend to hurt” he said. He said Neuropathy pain in the feet was especially common, and hard to pinpoint or cure.

He mentioned something about orthopedic shoes. But I told him if they looked anything like the ones in the picture, that’s a hard pass (besides “fun” grandma, I’m also “stylish”!)

He then smiled and said “ok, I have something else that may also work and look a lot better.” He had his assistant get a pair of socks.

That’s right, a pair of socks. And my life was about to change for the better.

A Pair of “Amazing Socks” Changes Everything

His assistant brought in the socks, which she playfully called “space age socks”.

I must admit they looked pretty neat, like something an athlete would wear for training. I was told they are a form of compression socks, but specifically made to address foot pain.

They were made by a company called Fitnus, and the podiatrist said they were an online viral sensation because people swore by them for foot pain.

What Are Fitnus Socks?

I put on the socks, and let me tell you, RIGHT AWAY I knew these were legit. I won’t keep you in suspense: they worked immediately.

They felt wonderful. Like the were “hugging” my feet. They were comfortable, form fitting, and made my feet feel great. It almost felt like they were gently massaging my feet.

The best part is they addressed the pain right away.

The doctor told me to wear them whenever I could, and even sleep with them. He also gave me the website where I could buy more.

I wore that first pair all that day, and I even slept in them. The next morning, for the first time in years, I had no foot pain at all! I immediately went to the website and bought several more pairs..

I also learned a ton about these Fitnus Socks.

The big difference in them are the FIVE compression zones..

Ordinary compression socks have ONE compression zone all over the foot. That doesn’t do much – if you compress the entire foot, then does any one area get more attention? Nope.

The Fitnus Socks have FIVE compression zones, and they specifically target trouble areas - the heel, the arch, the toes, the ankle and the plantar fascia.

The gentle compression improves circulation, increasing blood flow and healing oxygen to these specific areas (it even gently pushes blood towards the toes).

This reduces swelling, promotes wellness, and offers unrivaled foot support.

The socks can be worn with any shoe. You can wear them day or night, but since the toe is open, many people opt for “nighttime / after work” use. This works VERY well for immediate relief from swollen, tired feet, and also for relieving “morning foot pain”..

And what are they made out of? The same type of performance fabrics that athletes wear. I found out that sports fabric technology is a big deal with these million-dollar athletes.

I could say “these aren’t your grandma’s compression socks”, but that’s not entirely true, because they are lol!!

People everywhere love them, with tons of 5-star reviews.

Best Socks Ever
I was tired of pains in my feet and read about these on reddit. I tried them and am super impressed. I wear them at night and my feet feel better than ever. Thank you Fitnus.

- Patricia T.
Great with Sandals
Yes I’m a dad and I do dad things like wear socks with sandals. But these have open toes so it looks cool. They are so comforting and pain relieving I got a few pairs so I can wear them all summer.

- Chito B.

Relieve Your Foot Problems and Get 50% OFF!

Ok, there’s my story. I am happy to say I am still “fun grandma”, shopping by day and dancing at night! And I owe it all to Fitnus socks, which I wear daily.

If you have foot pain, I want you to have the relief that I experienced. That’s why I agreed to tell my tale. And Fitnus is helping with a great offer.

Right now, Fitnus is running the deal of the century. While stock lasts, they are running a viral marketing FLASH SALE for a HUGE 50% OFF.

This way, you can not only give Fitnus a try, but stock up as well (trust me, you’ll want several pairs.)

To get your Fitnus Socks at 50% off, do these three steps:

Step 1Order Fitnus Socks at 50% OFF from the company website

Step 2: After receiving them, wear them day or night. They are one size fits all, and extremely well-made.

Step 3: Enjoy pain-free feet!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024- ALERT: Demand has been through the roof, and the company is running out of its current supply. To get yours at the 50% discount, you must order now.

To Learn More About This One-Time Offer, Click The Button Below


Naama R. · University of Oxford
I have woken up with foot pain for nearly a decade and felt there was nothing that would work. But these socks did and I could not be more thankful.
· Reply · 78 · Tuesday, October 22, 2024 02:32 AM
Alon Lakstein · Worcester State College
This could have been written by me it was so close to my experience. My feet and arches hurt so much that playing golf was a pipe dream. I was very skeptical because how could socks really change anything but my goodness, they did.
· Reply · 71 · Monday, October 21, 2024 05:25 PM
Patrick · Chicago, Illinois
They feel great and they last and last. I don’t know what they make these out of but its really strong.
· Reply · 70 · Sunday, October 20, 2024 08:56 AM
D. Ngyen · New Port Richey, Florida
These are my favourite compression socks ever. I will never be without several pairs.
· Reply · 78 · Saturday, October 19, 2024 03:42 PM
Kate A. · Cass Tech/Commerce High School
They worked for my mom. That’s all.
· Reply · 85 · Saturday, October 19, 2024 08:26 AM